car keys replacement auto locksmith

How to increase the security of your car while dealing with car lockout

Car lockouts can be a frustrating and time-consuming experience, but they are a common problem faced by drivers worldwide. With vehicle security becoming increasingly important, finding ways to prevent and resolve car lockouts without compromising your car’s security is essential.

This article will explore various strategies to increase the security of your car while dealing with car lockouts, provide guidance on choosing a reliable London locksmith, and discuss the benefits and risks of DIY car lockout solutions.

We will also touch on the role of insurance in car lockout services and future technologies that may revolutionise car security and lockout prevention.

Common Causes of Car Lockouts

Car lockouts can happen for a variety of reasons, such as:

  1. Lost keys
  2. Misplaced keys
  3. Damaged or broken keys
  4. Damaged or jammed door locks
  5. Malfunctioning electronic key fobs

Understanding the common causes of car lockouts can help you take the necessary precautions to prevent them and ensure the security of your car.

Car Security Features to Consider

To increase the security of your car, consider investing in one or more of the following features:

Car Alarm Systems:

Car alarm systems are designed to deter thieves and alert you if someone is attempting to break into your car. Modern car alarms often come with features such as:

  1. Passive arming: The alarm is automatically activated when you lock your car.
  2. Active arming: You can manually activate the alarm using a key fob or smartphone app.
  3. Impact sensors: These detect if your car is hit or jostled.
  4. Glass break sensors: These detect the sound of breaking glass.

Immobiliser Systems

An immobiliser is an electronic security device that prevents your car from starting without the correct key or key fob. Immobilisers are standard on most new cars, but you can also purchase aftermarket systems for added security.

Steering Wheel Locks

Steering wheel locks are a visible deterrent to potential thieves, making it more difficult for them to steal your car. They work by preventing the steering wheel from turning, ensuring the car cannot be driven away.

GPS Tracking Systems

GPS tracking systems allow you to track your car’s location in real-time, making it easier to recover if it is stolen. Some systems also offer features such as geofencing, which alerts you if your car leaves a designated area, and remote immobilisation, allowing you to disable your car’s engine remotely.

Steps to Prevent Car Lockouts

By taking the following steps, you can reduce the likelihood of a car lockout:

Develop a Routine:

Establish a routine for storing and handling your car keys. Always put your keys in the same place when you’re not using them, and

check for your keys before leaving your car or home. This helps to ensure you always know where your keys are and reduces the chances of misplacing them.

Keep a Spare Key

Having a spare key can be a lifesaver in a lockout situation. Keep a spare key in a safe but accessible location, such as at home or with a trusted friend or family member. It’s also a good idea to have a spare key for your car’s security features, such as immobilisers or steering wheel locks.

Use a Key Locator

A key locator is a device that helps you find your keys by emitting a sound or signal when activated. These devices can be attached to your keyring and activated using a smartphone app or a separate remote control.

By using a key locator, you can quickly find your keys if they are misplaced or lost, reducing the chances of a lockout.

Know Your Car’s Security Features

Familiarise yourself with your car’s security features, such as the alarm system, immobiliser, and steering wheel lock. Understanding how these features work and how to use them properly can help you prevent lockouts and increase the security of your car.

Consider Using a Lockout Service

Many car insurance policies and roadside assistance programs offer lockout services as part of their coverage. These services can help you gain access to your car if you are locked out.

By enrolling in a lockout service, you can reduce the stress and inconvenience of a car lockout.

How to Deal with a Car Lockout

If you find yourself locked out of your car, follow these steps:

  • Stay Calm:

It’s important to remain calm in a lockout situation. Take a few deep breaths and try to think clearly about your options.

  • Assess the Situation:

Determine the reason for the lockout, whether it’s a lost key, a damaged key, or a malfunctioning lock. Knowing the cause of the lockout will help you decide on the best course of action.

  • Contact a Professional:

If you cannot gain access to your car, contact a professional locksmith or your car’s manufacturer for assistance. They have the necessary tools and expertise to help you gain access to your car without causing damage.

  • Ensure Safety While Waiting for Assistance:

While waiting for assistance, take steps to ensure your safety and the security of your car. Stay close to your car, but not in a vulnerable position, such as standing in the middle of a busy road. If possible, find a safe, well-lit area to wait.

Enhancing Your Car’s Security After a Lockout

After resolving a car lockout, take the following steps to enhance your car’s security:

If your car lockout was due to lost or stolen keys, consider rekeying or replacing your car’s locks. This ensures that anyone with your old keys cannot gain access to your car.

  • Upgrading Your Security System:

After a lockout, consider upgrading your car’s security system by adding features such as an advanced alarm system, GPS tracking, or immobiliser. These features can help prevent future lockouts and increase the overall security of your car.

  • Reviewing Your Lockout Prevention Plan:

Re-evaluate your lockout prevention plan and make any necessary adjustments to avoid future lockouts. This may include updating your key storage routine, investing in a key locator, or enrolling in a lockout service.


Dealing with a car lockout can be a frustrating and stressful experience. However, by understanding the common causes of lockouts, investing in the right security features, taking preventative measures, and knowing how to handle a lockout situation, you can increase the security of your car and minimise the chances of future lockouts.

In addition, it’s essential to continually review and update your car’s security measures and lockout prevention plan to stay ahead of potential threats.

By following the guidelines outlined in this comprehensive guide, you can ensure the safety and security of your car while dealing with a lockout situation.

Remember to stay calm, assess the situation, contact a professional, and take steps to enhance your car’s security after resolving the lockout.

With the right knowledge and resources, you can confidently navigate car lockout situations and keep your vehicle secure.