How to protect your house after a break in

How to protect your house after a break in

A home break-in is a distressing and traumatic event for any homeowner or tenant. Not only does it leave you feeling vulnerable and unsafe, but it can also result in the loss of valuable items and personal possessions.

In the wake of such an incident, it’s essential to take steps to protect your home and restore your sense of security.

Assessing the Damage

Identifying the Entry Point

Upon discovering the break-in, the first step is to identify the entry point used by the intruder. This could be a broken window, a forced door, or any other vulnerable access point. Identifying the entry point is crucial as it will inform you of the areas that need immediate attention and help you prevent further break-ins.

Documenting the Scene

Before touching or moving anything, it’s essential to document the scene. Take photographs of the entry point and any damaged or displaced items. This documentation will be useful when working with law enforcement and filing an insurance claim.

Working with Law Enforcement

Immediately after discovering the break-in, report the incident to your local law enforcement agency. The police will visit your property, gather evidence, and take statements from you and any witnesses.

It’s crucial to cooperate with the police and provide them with any necessary information, as their investigation could lead to the recovery of your stolen items and the apprehension of the perpetrator(s).

Recovering from the Break-In

Contacting Your Insurance Company

After notifying the police, contact your home insurance provider to report the break-in. They will guide you through the claims process and inform you of any documentation or evidence needed to support your claim. Timely reporting and thorough documentation will ensure a smoother claims process and a faster resolution.

Repairing or Replacing Damaged Items

Depending on the extent of the damage, you may need to repair or replace certain items in your home. Contact professionals to assess and repair any structural damage, such as broken windows or doors. Additionally, make a list of stolen or damaged items and begin the process of replacing them as soon as possible.

Emotional Recovery

A break-in can leave lasting emotional scars. It’s essential to address these feelings and take steps towards emotional recovery. Consider seeking professional help, such as therapy or counselling, to process your emotions and regain your sense of security.

Bolstering Your Home Security

Strengthening Doors and Windows

Reinforcing your doors and windows is a crucial step in preventing future break-ins. Consider installing deadbolt locks, steel-reinforced doors, and window security film to deter intruders.

In addition, ensure that all doors and windows are properly maintained and functioning as intended.

Installing a Security System

A home security system is an effective deterrent against burglars and can provide you with peace of mind. Many modern security systems include features such as motion detectors, window and door sensors, and alarms.

When selecting a security system, consider your specific needs and budget. It’s also important to choose a reputable security company to ensure proper installation and ongoing support.

Implementing Security Cameras

Security cameras can be a valuable addition to your home security strategy. They can help deter intruders and provide valuable evidence in the event of a break-in. When choosing security cameras, consider factors such as video quality, night vision capabilities, and storage options.

Additionally, decide whether you prefer a wired or wireless system, and ensure proper installation and positioning for maximum coverage.

Utilising Smart Home Technology

Smart home technology can further enhance your home security. Devices such as smart locks, smart lighting, and video doorbells can help you monitor and control your home remotely, providing an additional layer of security.

Many of these devices can be integrated with your existing security system, allowing for a seamless and comprehensive security solution.

Preventative Measures

Landscaping for Security

The exterior of your home can play a significant role in deterring burglars. Keep bushes and trees well-trimmed to eliminate hiding spots, and consider installing motion-activated lighting to illuminate dark areas.

Additionally, avoid storing valuable items, such as bicycles or tools, in plain sight, as this can attract potential thieves.

Fostering a Neighbourhood Watch

A strong and vigilant community can be an effective deterrent against crime. Join or establish a neighbourhood watch program to encourage neighbours to look out for one another and report suspicious activity.

Regular communication and cooperation between neighbours can help create a safer and more secure community.

Adopting a Dog

A dog can be both a loving companion and a valuable asset to your home security. Dogs can detect unusual activity and alert you with their barking, potentially scaring off intruders. If you decide to adopt a dog, ensure that you’re prepared for the commitment and responsibility of pet ownership.


A home break-in can leave lasting effects on your sense of safety and security. However, by assessing the damage, recovering from the incident, bolstering your home security, and implementing preventative measures, you can restore your peace of mind and protect your home from future break-ins.

It’s essential to remain vigilant and proactive in maintaining your home security to ensure the safety and well-being of you and your loved ones.